Foods superior to bananas in their content of potassium!

Do you think bananas are the most natural sources of potassium? Think again! This is a list of foods with a lot more potassium!

Coupled with potassium in most of us think about bananas, but it seems that the banana is not the best source of potassium, but there is a range of foods than the content of potassium contain the banana and stages!

Below is a list of a range of potassium-rich foods more than bananas.

1- Sweet potatoes

A grilled sweet potato contains approximately 542 mg of potassium or 12% of the recommended daily serving of potassium. The sweet potato has a great taste and high vitamin A content in particular.

2- White potatoes

Although it may seem a bit surprising, a medium-sized grilled white potato contains about 941 milligrams of potassium or 20 percent of the recommended daily potassium intake.

But in order to take advantage of the potato content of potassium and other nutrients, and to facilitate their absorption in the intestines, preferably not hot.

3- Tomato sauce

This traditional sauce, barely empty, is a great secret source of potassium. Each cup of cooked or canned tomato sauce contains approximately 728 milligrams or 15% of the recommended daily serving of potassium.

But try to get them cooked naturally at home, or canned types of sugar-free or low in sugar.

4- Watermelon

Eating two slices of fresh watermelon will provide you with approximately 642 mg of potassium, or 14% of the recommended daily ration. Watermelon is also a great source of lycopene, which may have a role in fighting cancer.

5- Frozen spinach

One cup of frozen spinach contains about 540 milligrams of potassium or 11 percent of the recommended daily serving of potassium. So try adding more frozen or fresh spinach to your food to get its great benefits!

6 – beet or red beet

One cup of cooked and cut beets contains approximately 518 mg of potassium or about 11% of the recommended daily serving of potassium.

It is worth mentioning that you can get the benefits of beets wonderful by eating grilled and crispy beet chips, which are very similar to chips and chips, but a healthier version!

7- Black beans

These may be available in the form of dried or mostly canned grains. This type of legume is rich in fiber and protein, but what you may not have known before is that it is a great source of potassium as well.

One cup of black beans contains approximately 739 mg of potassium or 16% of the recommended daily intake of potassium.

8 – white beans

This type of legume may be the best source of potassium ever in the store where you buy your food! So one cup of white beans contains approximately 1189 mg of potassium! That’s about a quarter of your daily need for potassium!

The content of one cup of these legumes is not only potassium but also contains about 20 grams of protein and 13 grams of dietary fiber.

9- Canned salmon

Instead of preparing and cooking salmon with hardships and effort, the canned version may contain amazing benefits that can keep you from fresh salmon.

Canned salmon is a great food for heart health because it contains a high level of omega-3 acids, and every 141 grams of canned salmon contains about 487 mg of potassium, equivalent to 10% of the recommended daily intake of potassium.

10- Soybean

While ordinary soybeans are one of the most important sources of vegetable protein in the world, a cup of small soybeans (known as edamame) contains approximately 676 milligrams of potassium, equivalent to 14% of the recommended daily potassium content.

11- Sour milk

Yes, that’s right! Each cup of curd contains about 961 mg of potassium or 20% of the recommended daily serving of potassium.

One cup of curd contains half your daily calcium!

12- Swiss Chard

One cup of cooked chard contains approximately 961 mg of potassium or 20% of the recommended daily serving of potassium.

Not to mention that this type of leafy vegetables is rich in its high content of calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K.