Most women feel abdominal pain before the onset of menstruation, and some suffer from similar pain during ovulation, ranging from minor pain and severe, which can be alleviated in some ways.
Ovulation in women occurs between the 12th and 16th days of the menstrual cycle, if regular.
Ovulation-related pain varies from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle. Many women do not have any ovulation pain, while others do not tolerate severe pain.
Common symptoms and problems for ovulation pain
Here are five of the most common ovulation pain problems, and how to relieve them.
1. Lower back pain
Because the ovaries are located in the center of the pelvis, they can affect the back and cause pain in the lower back.
These pains can be mild or severe.
To relieve low back pain caused by ovulation, it is advisable to take adequate rest in addition to stretching exercises that target the lower back area.
2. Abdominal cramps
A common occurrence in the ovulation period is a woman’s pain and abdominal cramps, which are often on one or both sides.
To reduce abdominal cramps during ovulation, it is recommended to apply warm compresses to the area of pain, and drink warm drinks that calm it like mint and green tea.
3. Flatulence
The occurrence of flatulence is not limited to eating foods that cause gas and bloating, such as salts and fiber.
Swelling can even be caused by ovulation, as some women develop irritation of the stomach lining.
To reduce flatulence during ovulation, it is recommended to eat light foods and stay away from salts that cause fluid retention.
Pelvic muscles should also be relaxed, by lying down and applying a warm pillow to the abdomen, or taking a warm bath.
4. Mother and softness of the breast
Hormonal changes during ovulation cause some breast pain and tenderness.
Breast pain can be relieved by reducing caffeine and fat intake.
On the other hand, it is recommended to eat foods containing vitamin E and vitamin B6 such as nuts, spinach, avocado, liver, eggs, and bananas.
5. Vaginal itching
Some women feel itching in the vagina because of the presence of infections during the period of ovulation.
These infections are due to the presence of some vaginal discharge for the period of ovulation, which is normal and does not cause concern.
It can reduce inflammation and itching by keeping the vagina clean, and it is recommended to wear daily towels during this period.
Signs of severe ovulation
If the ovulation is severe and intolerable, this may indicate a health problem, and you should visit a gynecologist.
Here are the main health problems that can lead to severe ovulation:
1. Bags on the ovaries
As a result of multiple cysts on the ovaries, women can experience severe pain during ovulation.
Ovarian cysts are due to a problem in the balance of hormones, and treatment is through some hormonal drugs that must be taken by a doctor.
It is also advised to modify the diet and choose healthy foods and avoid foods that cause dysfunction of hormones.
It is also recommended to get rid of excess weight, which increases the chances of developing ovarian cysts.
2. Endometriosis
When the endometrium becomes irritated or irritated, it will be accompanied by some symptoms and severe pain and intensifies during the period of ovulation.
Where endometritis leads to the ovaries and fallopian tubes, their inflammation can occur.
Endometritis is a health problem that requires consultation with a doctor.
3. Tissue adhesions
Some surgeries cause adhesions and tissue scars, such as appendectomy.
This leads to confining the ovaries and the structure that surrounds them, and the ovaries may stick to the intestines or other surrounding organs, resulting in pain during ovulation.
This problem requires medical intervention to treat it, and may even require surgery to remove these adhesions.