Drinking water in fighting diseases and aging

Drinking water has many health, aesthetic and psychological benefits, but what is its effect on fighting diseases and aging in particular?

In modern times, man has come to understand the fact that a healthy and long life includes positive thinking, proper nutrition, physical activity, and drinking water. Taken together, these factors provide the human body with energy, oxygen, nutrients, and other vital additives necessary for the body to function properly.

Almost every day, new research is conducted centered on the effect of water on all processes that revolve in the human body. Scientists are looking for an answer to the question: What are the qualities of water that allow us to survive and maintain our health? The second question is about what can help our body cope with diseases and aging?

The simple answer to these two questions is that we have to supply our body with water that it can absorb and integrate into all biological processes, easily and without much effort and energy.

Water qualities

In order to achieve the above goal, it is imperative to drink water with chemical and physical qualities that are very similar to those of liquids in the body. In this case, the body will not have to operate the refining system before it can absorb the amounts of water sources that have been drunk, and in turn, begin to perform its biological functions.

The most basic qualities that should be available in the water we consume begin with:

  • A balanced composition of minerals,
  • Certain levels of the pH coefficient (acidic and basal scale) so that the water should be weakly basal (7.2-7.5),
  • Negative value of the possibility of oxidation-reduction reactions (-100 – -200Mv).

Each of these qualities has its own significance and impact, and some are even interrelated. Proper levels of minerals – high levels of calcium, magnesium, and potassium that facilitate digestion, versus low levels of chlorides and nitrates – contribute to strengthening bones and muscles.

Poor basal pH plays a very important role in metabolic processes and the exchange and absorption of carbohydrates in the body.

Also, it should be noted that the deviation of pH levels in the water and its tendency towards acidic, lead to disturbances in the digestive system, and the functioning of hormones, in addition to this may cause many diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity Excess.

As for the negative oxidation-reduction potential, it gives water the ability to protect the body from many oxidants that may attack its cells.

Each of the aforementioned traits affects the processes that take place in the body, such as digestion, supply, and absorption of body cells of food and oxygen, and even excretion of waste.

In addition to some chemical properties of water in the human body, there are special molecular buildings. Structured water is the type of water that tissues and cells know and can absorb and manipulate easily.

Do you drink the required water?

Unfortunately, the water we drink is very different from the water the human body needs. When drinking water is very different from its ideal specifications, all body systems will have to work under extreme pressure.

Working in emergency conditions requires the body to exert a great deal of energy, in addition to the operation of many of the defense systems that would harm its proper functioning, causing various diseases.

The combined water is not only a disease-preventing factor, but it also plays a key role in the body’s ability to recover and heal very quickly, even in the rehabilitation process and return to normal life after surgery, or after serious illness, or receive chemotherapy or treatment Infrared.

In nature, there are sources of water that help in the treatment and have the required qualities, such as the molecular buildings necessary for the human body. But the question remains: how can we restore the aforementioned natural processes, drinking the ideal water, without going out of the house?

Today, technological development, modernity, and scientific research allow us to improve and improve the quality of drinking water, and to determine the characteristics of water at any time, from home. It also allows us to enjoy a disease-free life, whatever our generation.

Recently, at Aqua Power Research Center, a special method of wise drinking has been devised, which is based primarily on the use of methods of improving and developing water, and matching its qualities with what is needed to prolong life and maintain good health.

A number of leading scientists in this field have examined and examined these methods – devices, and preparations – and how to use them in many countries of the world, their research proved that there is a positive impact of these methods on the health situation and the quality of life.